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AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION-- if there are any civil rights left in the U.S. of A. it' s largely due to the labors of these folks.
BRUSHBACK- a rather nifty site devoted to Connecticut music.
COUNTERPUNCH- looking for good old fashioned muckraking journalism? Here 'tis.
CITIZENS FOR HEALTH- self- described as the voice for the natural foods consumer. Say no more!
CONNECTICUT ROLLERGIRLS- the only indoor sport that matters.
CT INDIE- the name says it all. All CT, all indie.
DEVO OBSESSO- my friend Michael's personal Devo site. He's further gone than I am.
EDUCATION FOR PEACE IN IRAQ CENTER- learn more about the people we massacred in the name of controlling the world oil markets.
HARVEY SID FISHER- he wrote the (in)famous "Song Signs"- 12 songs, one for each sign of the Zodiac. We released a record by him. We love Harvey Sid Fisher!
GREENBURBS.COM- self descibed as a guide to all that is solar and green in Fairfield County. Solar power and other
green resources explored in depth.
LEONARD NIMOY MUSIC SITE- if hearing isn't believing, maybe seeing is.
MALCOLM TENT- Trash mogul's personal website.
MANIC PRODUCTIONS: these people are making LOTS of things happen in CT!
THE NATURE CONSERVANCY- these people buy big tracts of land and preserve it in its natural state. How cool is that?
NEWTOWN FOREST ASSOCIATION- doing what the Nature Conservancy does, but right here in Western Connecticut.
DR. GARY NULL- we believe that the best revolutionary is a healthy revolutionary and the healthiest revolutionary we know of is Gary Null!
PROJECT CENSORED- if you didn't read about it in the mainstream press, read about it here.
PUBLIC CITIZEN- regardless of one's opinion of Ralph Nader's presidential run, there's no denying that his organization has been largely responsible for keeping corporate America at least somewhat in check.
PUBLIC INTEREST RESEARCH GROUPS- taking legislative action to protect the environment and your rights as an American citizen. Each state has its own PIRG. This site is for the national organization.
RAY'S HARDWARE- the computer wiz who keeps Trash American Style functioning in the internet age.
THOR-the original ROCK WARRIOR- steel bending, hot water bottle rupturing heavy metal thunder!!!! As seen on TPOS!!!!!!
TPOS DISCOGRAPHY- our friend Bill Bailey (who operates the most excellent EQUATION RECORDS) built and maintains the database on our in- house label. Thanks, Bill!
ULTRABUNNY- Malcolm Tent makes noise in this band.
WNHU- Malcolm Tent has a radio show on this station. Click this link on Thursdays from 7:00 PM- 9:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time) to listen.
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